Best Tips for Moving in Summer

Illustration of a Mayflower moving truck driving along a road with rolling hills and trees along it - Mayflower®

For many families and college-aged students, relocating during the summer months is usually the most stressful time to move. However, a summertime move can have its share of challenges, especially if you live in a region with high temperatures and humidity. That’s why it’s important to give a little extra attention to the ins and outs of a summer move. With these helpful tips in your pocket, it can be as easy as a summer breeze!

Why Is Summer The Most Popular Time To Move?

School is Out!

Most families with school-aged children prefer not to relocate in the middle of the school year. Moving with children across the country means a great deal of change — and for some children, disruptions in their daily routines may be difficult to navigate. To that, many families will wait until school is out to minimize the impact children may experience during the transition. 

More Daylight

Let’s face it: the moving process takes time, and the move-in/move-out day can be especially tedious. Whether you’re moving yourself (DIY) or hiring a professional moving company like Mayflower to do it for you, any natural light is a welcome assistance. In most areas of the country, summertime affords those longer days so you can get more out of your move-in move-out timeline.

Manageable Weather

If you move in the summer, you don’t have to worry about dicey weather conditions such as snow, ice or sleet affecting the roads and travel. Also, you don’t have to salt walkways or trudge through muddied snowbanks while loading and unloading your belongings.  

Curb Appeal

More “Sold” signs mean more scheduled moves. The prime time to sell a home is typically late spring to early summer. Selling a home when the weather is pleasant helps to highlight the landscaping and bolster a home’s curb appeal. A front yard full of green grass and bright flowers is much more appealing to potential home buyers than bare trees and empty planter boxes. Plus, more people are likely to attend open houses and prospect for homes if the weather cooperates.

Top Tips For Moving In The Summer

Get Moving Quotes Well in Advance

Summer is often referred to as “peak season” for most moving companies. If you are thinking about using a professional moving company for your long-distance summer move, it’s best to begin gathering moving quotes at least eight weeks before the date you plan on moving. Since most moves take place between Memorial Day and Labor Day weekend, the sooner you solidify your moving services the better chance you will have at reserving the day and time you prefer. That brings us to the next tip…

Schedule Your Move Early In The Morning

Generally speaking, the sun is at its strongest between 11:00 a.m. and 4 p.m., so moving in the middle of a summer afternoon is not ideal, especially if you live in a hot or humid climate. If you’re using a professional moving company, most will take into consideration the heat factor and recommend the most conducive hours for moving in your particular region. But if you can’t reserve the early morning hours, and you know it’s going to be blistering hot, it’s probably best to consider a different move date.

Moving your belongings yourself? Think about the exertion and physical endurance it takes to lift and move heavy furniture and boxes up and down steps and in and out of the moving van. Now add on the possibility of considerably high temperatures. If you’re not already used to exerting yourself in hot temperatures, It just makes sense to be safe and get started with your move in the early hours when you have a window of cooler temperatures. 

Have Plenty of H2O on Hand

We all know how important it is to stay hydrated, especially in the summer. Yet, it’s often overlooked when it comes to simply following-through with replenishing your body with its most essential nutrient, water. Moving can be stressful enough. The last thing you want on your move day is to experience unpleasant symptoms associated with dehydration or heat stroke.

Plan the night before by stocking a cooler full of water bottles. The day of the move make sure you have ice ready to fill the cooler and let everyone know who is helping out with the move where to access the cooler. You may also consider offering your moving team hydrating freezer pops. There is a surplus of tasty, healthy and hydrating popsicles/pops on the market today. Your moving team will appreciate the gesture!

Another cool tip is to roll up several wet towels to the ice-filled cooler and let them chill for a couple hours. There’s nothing better than an ice-chilled cloth applied to a fiery forehead. Lastly, be sure to take the cooler with you so it’s accessible to all at your new destination.

Dress to Keep Cool

Dressing in light, breathable clothing is a must when it comes to moving in the summer. Cotton is always the go-to fabric for an airy, cool feel because it provides sufficient air circulation. Make sure your clothing on the day of the move is loose fitting and try to find clothing that wicks away sweat and moisture.

Avoid dark colored clothing that absorbs the heat. Instead, plan to wear light-colored clothing, including whites and neutrals. And although summer is flip-flop season, this is not the day to have your toes exposed! Wear closed-toed shoes that are comfortable and breathable. Lastly, don’t forget a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.

Turn On The Air Conditioning At Your New Place

Turn your utilities on a day or two before you move in. If you can’t be there to turn the AC on in person, try contacting your real estate agent or property manager to do it for you. Placing portable fans near your entryways is another great way to provide heat relief. Don’t make the mistake of not cooling down your new home before the big day. Entering a cool home on a sizzling day can make all the difference between a smooth transition and a sticky one.

Check The Weather

It may seem like a given, but don’t forget to check the weather a day or two before your DIY move for other inclement weather conditions, such as heavy rainstorms or tornadoes, that summer is notorious for conjuring up.

Interested in receiving a moving quote from Mayflower? It’s fast and easy with our Virtual Survey app. Request your quote today!

For additional moving advice and tips for a successful move, we’ve created these easy-to-follow moving checklists:

Our Official Moving Checklist

Move-In Checklist

Non-Allowable Checklist

What to Pack Separately

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