How to Pack Wine Bottles

Your wine bottles require special care in a move. It isn’t difficult to upset wine’s delicate chemistry with high or low temperatures, vibration, humidity or light. Fine red wines are especially susceptible to damage in a move. You can minimize the risk with careful planning and packing.

How to Pack Wine Bottles

Your wine bottles require special care in a move. It isn’t difficult to upset wine’s delicate chemistry with high or low temperatures, vibration, humidity or light. Fine red wines are especially susceptible to damage in a move. You can minimize the risk with careful planning and packing.

Talk to Mayflower about purchasing boxes that have been specifically designed to protect your wine bottles in a move.

Here are some tips for packing wine:

  • Pack red and white wines upside down or on their side. This will keep corks wet, preventing oxidation or spoilage.
  • Sparkling wines and Champagne should be packed upright.
  • Opened bottles cannot be shipped.
  • Avoid opening bottles for at least seven days after the move, and longer if the move required more than one day of driving. The movement of the truck causes the wine to shake, which can result in bottle shock. Opening the bottles before they’ve had sufficient time to recover from the vibrations can result in a loss of flavor.

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