Moving with Pets in Portland

Pet Lovers in Portland

In the 2019 Mayflower Mover Insights Survey, we asked Portland movers how they move with a pet. The result? Portland residents love their pets and prioritize their pets’ comfort when choosing and moving into a new home.

When choosing a new place, the American public may prefer renovated amenities, being close to work or having covered parking. But, Portland pet owners put their pets first. For past movers, 42 percent of the decision to move was based on the pet’s comfort in their home — prioritizing enough indoor space, friendly landlord rules and the size of the yard. Pet owners in Portland brought their pets with them to look at places prior to renting or buying 20 percent of the time.

Choosing a Community

Portland residents may want to be close to their favorite hiking trail, but pet owners also want to be in a community that is a great fit for their furry friend. In fact, 23 percent of that “which community” decision was based on their pets. Main considerations for which new community to move to are impacted by nearby vets, good neighborhoods, pet-friendly community rules and nearby parks. Fortunately for pet owners, being close to a park is not too difficult in Portland. The city boasts not only multiple dog parks all around the city, but also a variety of extensive hiking trails with stunning views to enjoy on a walk.

Choosing Amenities

In Portland, future movers are willing to spend more and sacrifice their comfort to obtain pet-friendly features they want most, and they’re split on wanting comfortable features for themselves or for their pets. For example, movers may trade having a renovated kitchen just to get the pet-friendly feature they want more. At the end of the day, they’re willing to spend 24 percent more than their current housing costs, just to ensure maximum comfort for their pet. This percentage almost doubles with Gen Z and Millennial movers in Portland.

For Portland residents, proximity to their favorite trail or work may be key to choosing a new place to live. However, those considerations take a backseat to their pet’s comfort. Time and time again, Portland movers will choose homes and communities that offer the most benefits to their pets. In Portland, pets come first.

Are you moving?

If you need moving services in the Portland area, check out our Portland movers. You can also call 877-720-4066 or complete the form above to get started with a moving quote today.

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