Tips for Decorating Your Entryway

Entrances come in all shapes and sizes, from large, imposing foyers to tiny spaces just inside the front door. Whatever space you have, your entryway is the first part of your home that everybody sees. If you want to make a good first impression, both practically and aesthetically, here are some tips and tricks you can use to make what’s behind “door number one” a winner.  

Think Practicality First 

Your entryway is the first place you step into and the last place you leave, so it must do more than simply look pretty. The first thing to think about is how to make the most of it. 

If it’s a relatively small area or even just a part of a bigger room, make sure there’s enough space to walk through it unobstructed. Consider how the front door swings, too, so it fully clears any potential décor or furnishings. It’s also important to define the space using a rug or floor covering (such as tiles) so that it feels separate and distinct from the rest of the room. Make sure that whatever you choose is also easy to keep clean.  

Next, Focus on Functionality 

Think about what you typically need on your way in or out the door. A small table with drawers for mail, a bowl or small tray for keys, and a hook or rack to hang coats or umbrellas will help you stay better organized and ready to face (or return from) a busy day. If you have a no-shoes policy in your home, be sure there’s a space in the entryway for a small chair or bench to sit on and a rack or mat to keep footwear out of the way.  

Make Space for a Mirror 

Since your entryway is your last chance to check your appearance before heading out the door, a mirror is a welcome addition. Hang one over a small table or bench, or if space permits, invest in a full-length mirror so you can check your look from tip to toe.  

Add a Touch of Your Own Personality 

Use color — on the walls or in elements of the décor — to bring the space together visually. Beyond the wall color itself, don’t be shy about using your entryway as a place to display art and decorative objects.  

Add a few personal touches, like family or vacation photos or a wall grouping, that reflect your personal tastes and interests. If your home has a separate foyer, a “statement” ceiling fixture can be used to establish a look that complements the style of the rooms beyond it. Leverage the decorative potential of the door itself by painting it in a color that highlights the hues and architectural elements in the room.  

Switch Things Up from Time to Time 

Your entryway is also a great place to rotate different decorative items you may have stored away. You can dress it up for the holidays, add fresh flowers in the spring or summer, hang a dried wreath in the autumn, or simply create a specific mood. This will help keep your entrance interesting for both your and any visitors — without necessarily having to invest in brand-new décor.  

Looking for tips, advice, and pointers for making your new house a home? Check out our other blogs for moving tips, packing advice, city guides and a wealth of other information to help you settle in.  

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